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Bandon Grammar School

Statement of Ethos

Bandon Grammar School is a co-educational, boarding and day school founded in 1642, with an historic and valued association with the Church of Ireland. It is managed by a local Board of Directors under the auspices of The Incorporated Society as patron and held from that body under a Lease “as a secondary school recognised as such by the Minister for Education under the rules of the Department of Education for secondary schools, primarily for Protestant pupils”.

The school aims to provide a broad education of high quality within a Christian context, mindful of a plurality of views in a diverse school community necessitating an atmosphere of tolerance and respect.  It strives to create an environment which provides opportunities for the development of a wide variety of differing aptitudes and abilities towards intellectual growth, practical skills, recreational activities, and aesthetic development.

It is the aim of the school to help its pupils to develop as well-rounded individuals within a community where moral values such as honesty, fairness, personal integrity, and sensitivity to the needs of others are nurtured. Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility, leading to growth in confidence and self-esteem so that individuals may come to excel in different ways, able to make optimum use of life’s opportunities.