BGS Network: Peer Guidance
The best advice you will ever get about a course, or career, is from someone who is doing, or has done, it. So, you can find below some very beneficial general and course advice from the BGS community. I will be adding to these as much as I can over lockdown. They are mostly in mp3 format to reduce screen time! You can find advice sheets from BGS alumni and further videos from graduates at the bottom of the page…
Peer Guidance: Class of 2021 Advice
Class of 2021: Advice on 6th Year and Study Skills
Peer Guidance: Class of 2020 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2019 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2018 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2017 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2016 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2015 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2014 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2013 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2012 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2011 Advice
All Podcasts should be interesting for Senior Students (regardless of your course interests) with lots of general tips and advice but this list should make it easier to find episodes.
#1 Transition to 3rd Level + Commerce
#2 Study Skills/ Getting the Best out of Yourself in Challenging Times + Biochemistry in Scotland, History and Geography
#3 Working Well in Challenging Times + Music, Management Science and Info Systems
#4 Language Courses and Careers
#5 Engineering Courses and Careers
#6 Sports-Related Courses and Careers
#7 Psychology + Occupational Therapy Courses and Careers
#8 Physiotherapy Courses and Careers
#9 Biological Sciences Course and Career
#10 Food Courses and Careers
#11 Law Courses and Careers
#12 History and Politics
#14 Guidance Podcast: International Relations

BGS Guidance Podcast: International Relations
Thanks to Jessica Gill (Class of 2019) for joining us from Venice yesterday for a BGS Guidance Podcast. We spoke about her time in BGS, the difficulty in deciding her final course choices and how she managed to do so, her International Relations degree in DCU along with the benefits and challenges of university life.
This is short taster of the podcast including her best memories of BGS and advice to her Leaving Cert self:
Jessica is currently studying a Masters in Human Rights in Venice.
Some of the key points from the talk
– Do your research when it comes to choosing your course: talk to people, look at the course modules carefully, find out if there is Erasmus or work experience in the course.
– Keep up your hobbies and activities even in 6th year
– It’s hard to be 100% sure about your course choice but as long it interests you, it will work out in the long-term. “ You don’t have to have all of the answers right now, in the end, it works out how it’s supposed to..”
– Having too much free time in university can be challenging but so can signing up for too many clubs and societies
Thanks to our 5th years Keshia Murphy, Darragh Walsh and Adrià Arreba-Selles for partipating in the podcast.
Full Podcast:
#13 Guidance Podcast: General Nursing
Excellent chat with Conall who came in for a chat about his path into General Nursing in UCC, the benefits of doing a PLC course for a year, the range of work environments in nursing and the options of working in the army or on cruise ships in the future

#12 Career Video: History and Politics
Great advice from David about the best ways to decide what career paths could suit you, Open Days, dealing with doubt, the transition to 3rd level, the importance of joining clubs, and the benefits of accessing support services.

#11. Guidance Podcast: Law Courses and Careers

Aoibh and Ciarán (Class of 2017) are both in 4th year Law. Ciarán is doing Clinical Law in UCC with a view to furthering his studies to become a corporate solicitor having done his placement in that area. Aoibh is in Trinity and talks about her study abroad in Brisbane and joining too many societies! We also cover the joys of History and the future of Law so it’s essential listening for any students in anyway interested in this area. How to qualify as a solicitor/ barrister?
#10 Guidance Podcast: Food Careers and Courses

We covered the variety of careers that come from a food-related degree today with Sam and David. Sam is in 2nd year in Food Marketing and Entrepreneurship in UCC and David is currently in a graduate programme in Carbery Foods having studied Food Science in UCC. Our conversation includes the benefits of online study and work, the future of food and making cheese!
Production Mgmt: Nutritional Science Graduate from UCC
Arts + Food Business Student Story
#9 Guidance Podcast: Biological and Chemical Sciences
Stephanie discusses how she chose Biological and Chemical Science, even though she had been interested in various healthcare courses for her CAO as well…The course has changed since Stephanie’s degree and now students choose 1 of 10 option for Year 2. Students select one degree stream in 2nd year (depending on choice of Year 1 Electives) from:
Applied Plant Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Chemistry of Pharmaceutical Compounds, Chemistry with Forensic Sciences, Science Education (Chemistry or Biology Route), Microbiology, Neuroscience, Physiology initially thought she might have chosen Neuroscience but eventually chose to specialise in ‘Biochemistry’ (Further Research: What is Biochemistry; Student Vlog – So you want to study Biochemistry?). After having enjoyed Toxicology electives in her degree, Stephanie did a Masters in Regulatory Affairs and Toxicology from University College Dublin. She currently works as a Regulatory Affairs Consultant.
#8 Peer Guidance Podcast: Physio Courses and Careers

Jack is currently in 3rd year studying Physiotherapy in Hanze Uni, Groningen while Emer (Mrs Harte’s sister!) has a range of physiotherapy experience having qualified from Brunel Uni in London as Specialist MSK Physiotherapist. Her specialist areas are in Sports and MSK injuries, Trauma and Orthopaedics and Pilates.
Today we discussed a range of different topics with Jack and Emer including: deciding between two courses for the CAO, studying and working in England, studying in the Netherlands, balancing your studies as an International Hockey player and the many different facets of courses and careers in physiotherapy.

#7 Peer Guidance Podcast: Psychology + Occupational Therapy as Courses and Careers
Rachel (2018, Applied Psych in UCC) and Grace (2017, Occupational Therapy in Queen M. Edin Uni in Edinburgh) discuss how they ended up choosing their courses, ‘missing out’ on Speech and Language Therapy, the variety and benefits of OT placements, the difference between media portrayals of Psychology and the reality of studying the course among many other things.
#6 Peer Guidance Podcast: Sport Courses + Careers
In-depth chat with James (Class of 2016) and Eric (Class of 2013) about their career paths in Sport. We discuss a range of topics including: James’ Course Sports Coaching and Performance and Eric’s Sport and Exercise Mgt; the benefits of having Business modules; James’ placement with Hibs FC in Scotland and Eric’s experience working with a physio, his experience as a player/ coach in Luxembourg and his career path since then. We also cover the reality of careers in Sport and future trends in Sport. It’s a long one but if you have any interest in taking a Sports-related course at 3rd level, it’s essential listening!

#5 Peer Guidance Podcast: Courses and Careers in Engineering
Engineering: All you ever wanted to know about Engineering in 8 mins
Great range of perspectives from Josh (Class of 2020) and Lucy (Class of 2016) who are both doing Engineering. They cover a range of information such as: study skills advice, being ‘tactical’ for your Leaving Cert, key factors in choosing a course, the benefits of a ‘Common Entry’ course, the importance of communication skills as an engineer and career opportunities in the industry.

#4 – Peer Guidance Podcast Language Courses and Careers: If you have any interest in a language course or keeping up your language at 3rd level, then this chat will be very beneficial. In-depth conversation with Sarah from the Class of 2013 (European Studies, Trinity) and Leon from the Class of 2016 (World Languages, UCC). Many topics were covered including: key factors in deciding the right course for you, the benefits of Erasmus/ Study Abroad (Italy and Spain) and career options from language courses.

#3 Working Well in Challenging Times
Another podcast covering Study Skills from the Class of 2020, with Denise and Sophie. Parts 2 and 3 (to follow) will cover ‘Choosing the Right Course and Transitioning to 3rd Level’
Part 1: Study Skills Key Points
Importance of Routine, Breaks, Structure, Tasks, Targets.
Focussing on what you can control
Study Skills for different Subjects. Finding what works for you
Importance of keeping the end-goal in sight. Keep your daily routine
Do NOT compare yourself to others
Part 2: Choosing the Right Course
Music: Sophie talks about how disappointed she was to just to miss out on Popular Music, at the Cork School of Music by a few points. She was offered Music in UCC, but decided to complete a year in CSN doing Music Mgmt and Sound and re-apply this year. In hindsight, she was glad that she spent her year in CSN.
Management Sci and Info Systems Studies in Trinity: Denise had been set on doing Business Information Systems in Cork. She had completed a BIS TY experience in UCC and didn’t explore other options as she wanted to stay in Cork. However, she ignored some of the key course factors for her: small class size and higher Maths content. She changed her mind in June

Part 1: Adrian and Grace talk about Getting the best out of yourself in challenging times
Part 1 – Study Skills
· What subjects did you study for the LC?
· What kind of student were you?
· How did you approach your study for LC?
· What study skills worked for you?
· What would you do differently if you were in LC again?
Part 2: Course Choices: How did you know what you wanted to do?
Grace was torn between studying Medicine or Biochemistry and would have done things differently if she was back again. She is now based in St. Andrews, Edinburgh. Adrian always felt he wanted to study History and Geography at 3rd level but had some last minute doubts when it came to his CAO choices. They both discuss some of the ‘myths’ around their subject area. Some sample questions below
· How did you know what you wanted to do after the LC? Who did you speak to? What kind of research did you do? Did you go to Open Days? How sure where you about the course before starting it? What other courses did you have down on the CAO? Did you change your course order of preference at any stage?
· What have you enjoyed most about your course? What have you found to be more challenging? Is your course what you expected to be?
· What kind of student does well in your course?
Transition to 3rd Level: What did you handle the transition to 3rd level?
· What are the main differences between 2nd and 3rd level in terms of teaching style, workload etc?
· What were some of the common mistakes you saw your classmates make? In your opinion, why do students drop out of course?
· What are the pros and cons to living at home and sharing accommodation?
#1Peer Guidance Video Chat: Transition to 3rd Level Interesting video chat from Dylan O Sullivan yesterday about the Transition to 3rd Level and how he researched his course choices… He is currently in 2nd year Commerce in UCC but the talk is relevant for anyone considering their course choices for next year…Hopefully we’ll get some student questions for the next one!
Peer Guidance: Class of 2020 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2019 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2018 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2017 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2016 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2015 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2014 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2013 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2012 Advice
Peer Guidance: Class of 2011 Advice
General Career Videos: You can find nearly 400 career videos here in an Irish context. Just ‘filter’ to narrow them down.

Graduate Career Videos: 100s of videos in different career areas.